Meet the coach!

Who am I?

My name is Kamryn Kiper. I'm a pre-physical therapy student studying exercise science. I'm an ACSM certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and online fitness coach at Coached by Kamryn. Having experienced the negative effects of a poor relationship with food and exercise, I'm here to guide people to their health and wellness goals from a place of love.

My story

I was only 7 years old when I started to wear tankinis and one-piece swimsuits to cover my body. I was 9 years old when I started packing empty lunch boxes to school because I learned what a calorie was. I was 11 years old when I started doing HIIT workouts I found on YouTube until my FitBit let me know I had burnt 1,000 calories. I was 13 when I decided I’d go vegan so that I had an excuse to eat even less. For years and years, I let the number on the scale, my appearance in the mirror, and nutrition apps run my life. It wasn’t until I discovered lifting and a high-protein diet that I really feel that I was able to escape this mindset. I’m no longer driven by thigh-gaps and ab definition; I’m driven by a desire to improve my overall health. Having experienced this, I’m very passionate in my approach to personal training.Being a coach isn't just about workouts and diets; it's about fostering a mindset of self-care, balance, and appreciation for one's body—a journey I'm committed to walking alongside others.

What I can do for you!

I'll help you get fit and feel good! I'll design personalized workout and meal plans so you can be done with all of the guessing and instead, focus on your goals. If there are any challenges, we'll tackle them together, and we'll celebrate your successes along the way!